Statistics and meaning of name Stroila

We have no records about Stroila being used as firstname.
Surname Stroila is used at least 115 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Stroila
Given names
Ioan Stroila (13)
Elena Stroila (9)
Constantin Stroila (8)
Maria Stroila (6)
Nicolae Stroila (5)
Romul Stroila (4)
Gheorghe Stroila (4)
Marian Stroila (4)
Iosif Stroila (3)
Ion Stroila (3)
Mihai Stroila (3)
Dumitru Stroila (3)
Ana Stroila (3)
Gabriel Stroila (3)
Viorica Stroila (2)
Vasile Stroila (2)
Neaga Stroila (2)
Victor Stroila (2)
Iuliana Stroila (2)
Andrei Stroila (2)
Augustin Stroila (2)
Bujor Stroila (2)
Ilie Stroila (2)
Carolina Stroila (2)
Adrian Stroila (2)
Ioana Stroila (2)
Alina Stroila (2)
Stana Stroila (1)
Stelian Stroila (1)
Sorin Stroila (1)
Petrica Stroila (1)
Misu Stroila (1)
Ovidiu Stroila (1)
Petria Stroila (1)
Livia Stroila (1)
Radu Stroila (1)

Stroila reversed is Aliorts
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Oitsalr Storail Traolis Altiros Laisort Olsarti
Misspells: Stroilo Stloila Strroila Sstroila Stroyla Strojla Stroela Stroilaa Srtoila Stroial Strolia

Rhymes: Aquila Attila Avila Gila Leila Lila Manila bra blah hurrah voila fuchsia

Meaning of name Stroila is: from the name [Stroie] plus the suffix '-escu'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Canada Czech Republic Ireland Thailand Germany France


Old Wiki
Name: Stroila
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Stroie plus the suffix -ilă
Comments: Stroilă

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or about the origins of this name?
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