Statistics and meaning of name Strujac

We have no records about Strujac being used as firstname.
Surname Strujac is used at least 29 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯特鲁扎克 (pinyin: sī té lǔ zā kè)

Given names
Silvia Strujac (4)
Alexandru Strujac (4)
Victoria Strujac (4)
Rodica Strujac (3)
Traian Strujac (2)
Ioana Strujac (2)
Constantin Strujac (2)
Dumitru Strujac (2)
Emil Strujac (1)
Vasile Strujac (1)
Corneliu Strujac (1)
Petru Strujac (1)

Strujac reversed is Cajurts
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Strujoc Stlujac Strrujac Sstrujac Struiac Strujaca Srtujac Strujca Struajc

Rhymes: kulak eunuch moonstruck

Meaning of name Strujac is: from the word 'a struji' = 'to lathe' plus the suffix '-ac' ; see also the name [Strujan]
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Old Wiki
Name: Strujac
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word a struji = to lathe plus the suffix -ac ; see also the name Strujan

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