Statistics and meaning of name Stupcanu

We have no records about Stupcanu being used as firstname.
Surname Stupcanu is used at least 60 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯图普卡努 (pinyin: sī tú pǔ kǎ nǔ)

Given names
Maria Stupcanu (3)
Elvira Stupcanu (2)
Nicoleta Stupcanu (2)
Eufimia Stupcanu (2)
Ada Stupcanu (2)
Marius Stupcanu (2)
Stefan Stupcanu (2)
Elena Stupcanu (2)
Varvara Stupcanu (2)
Alexandrina Stupcanu (2)
Aurel Stupcanu (2)
Victor Stupcanu (2)
Viorel Stupcanu (1)
Rodica Stupcanu (1)
Serban Stupcanu (1)
Sorin Stupcanu (1)
Tereza Stupcanu (1)
Lenuta Stupcanu (1)
Ana Stupcanu (1)
Aglaia Stupcanu (1)
Adriana Stupcanu (1)
Cecilia Stupcanu (1)
Cristian Stupcanu (1)
Magda Stupcanu (1)
Ioan Stupcanu (1)
Emil Stupcanu (1)
Mihai Stupcanu (1)

Stupcanu reversed is Unacputs
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Psutucna Nupactus Tupnaucs Uctunsap
Misspells: Stupconu Sstupcanu Stupcanua Sutpcanu Stupcaun Stupcnau

Rhymes: jujutsu cuckoo kudzu gumshoe thumbscrew

Meaning of name Stupcanu is: from the toponymic name 'Stupca' plus the suffix '-anu'
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Old Wiki
Name: Stupcanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic name Stupca plus the suffix -anu

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or about the origins of this name?
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