Statistics and meaning of name Sucevan
We have no records about Sucevan being used as firstname.
Surname Sucevan is used at least 41 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 苏切万 (pinyin: sū qiē wàn)
Given names
Stefan Sucevan (5) Vasile Sucevan (3) Ilie Sucevan (2) Gheorghe Sucevan (2) Cornel Sucevan (2) Oleg Sucevan (1) Iustina Sucevan (1) Tamara Sucevan (1) Valentina Sucevan (1) Victor Sucevan (1) Ecaterina Sucevan (1) Constantin Sucevan (1) Liudmila Sucevan (1) Domnica Sucevan (1) Dragos Sucevan (1) Arcadie Sucevan (1) |
Sucevan reversed is Navecus
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Scuneav Evcuans Evusnac Ucneavs Nusceav Nauvces
Misspells: Sucevon Ssucevan Suceban Sucevana Scuevan Sucevna Suceavn
Rhymes: Yerevan Donovan Evan Heshvan Ivan Sivan Sullivan uptaken
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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