Statistics and meaning of name Suita

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Suita first name was found 7 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Suita is used at least 113 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 吹田 (pinyin: chuī tián)

      Surname Suita
Given names
Paolo Suita (2)
Massimo Suita (2)
Ana Suita (2)
Manuel Suita (2)
Diego Suita (2)
Giuseppe Suita (2)
Mario Suita (2)
Juan Suita (2)
Javier Suita (2)
Jose Suita (2)
Giovanni Suita (2)
Raul Suita (1)
David Suita (1)
Christelle Suita (1)
Yolande Suita (1)
German Suita (1)
Angela Suita (1)
Nicolas Suita (1)
Laetitia Suita (1)
Franco Suita (1)
Giuseppina Suita (1)
Domenico Suita (1)
Concetta Suita (1)
Carlo Suita (1)
Michele Suita (1)
Roberto Suita (1)
Sophie Suita (1)
Adriano Suita (1)
Vincenzo Suita (1)
Rosella Suita (1)
Benoit Suita (1)

Given name Suita

Surname Suita in France   Surname Suita in Italy   Surname Suita in USA   

Suita reversed is Atius
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Utsai Asuti Sutai Sutia Iutas
Misspells: Suito Ssuita Suyta Sujta Sueta Suitaa Siuta Suiat Sutia

Rhymes: Chiquita Marquita Akita Angelita Anita Benita Bonita stupa scuba tuba doodah pupa

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Joseph Suita says: Looking for other Suita's out there, Our name is not common and we must be connected somehow.
Diana says: My great grandfather Giovanni came from Italy too (Torino), some people says that the last name Suita was originally from Spain
Mary Sweet says: I was told that my Great grandfather - Joseph Suita came from Italy (Naples). I am still trying to find out more information.
Joseph Suita says: I've always wondered where is it my name comes from.. My father is from Cuba and so are the 3 generations before him, He said that we came from Spain sometime time before that but who knows, if anyone out there has some info in which they could provide it would be nice. Thanks

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Italy Egypt France United Kingdom Serbia Austria Kuwait Japan Hungary Sudan Albania Saudi Arabia Spain Europe Reunion Romania Switzerland Canada


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