Statistics and meaning of name Sulke

We have no records about Sulke being used as firstname.
Surname Sulke is used at least 31 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 苏尔克 (pinyin: sū ěr kè)

      Surname Sulke
Given names
Caroline Sulke (2)
Erich Sulke (2)
Kai Sulke (1)
Ingeborg Sulke (1)
Barbara Sulke (1)
Martin Sulke (1)
Willi Sulke (1)
Viktor Sulke (1)
Phillip Sulke (1)
Erika Sulke (1)
Sarah Sulke (1)
Ruth Sulke (1)
Philip Sulke (1)
Susanne Sulke (1)
Alfred Sulke (1)
Gerhard Sulke (1)

Surname Sulke in Austria   Surname Sulke in Germany   

Sulke reversed is Eklus
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Sulek Uksel Kelus Esukl Sukel Sukle Lukes Sluek
Misspells: Ssulke Sulkea Sluke Sulek Sukle

Rhymes: yarmulke Rilke hulk sulk bulk skulk sunk

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Czech Republic Austria United Kingdom Israel Switzerland Netherlands Spain France India


Books: "Laataand-biegstories en sulke dinge"

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