Statistics and meaning of name Sunnqvist

We have no records about Sunnqvist being used as firstname.
Surname Sunnqvist is used at least 15 times in at least 1 countries. (Sweden)

Given names
Michael Sunnqvist (1)
Matilda Sunnqvist (1)
Olof Sunnqvist (1)
Teresa Sunnqvist (1)
Tord Sunnqvist (1)
Tom Sunnqvist (1)
Martin Sunnqvist (1)
Madeleine Sunnqvist (1)
Ingela Sunnqvist (1)
Charlotta Sunnqvist (1)
Inger Sunnqvist (1)
Jessika Sunnqvist (1)
Lena Sunnqvist (1)
John Sunnqvist (1)
Bjorn Sunnqvist (1)

Sunnqvist reversed is Tsivqnnus
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Ssunnqvist Sunnqvyst Sunnqbist Sunngvist Sunnqvjst Sunnqvest Sunnqvista Snunqvist Sunnqvits Sunnqvsit

Rhymes: Bolshevist activist archivist collectivist recidivist reservist funnest sunlit dunnest unlit vulgarest

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Jenn says: In regards to the meaning of Sunnqvist. The Surname Sunnqvist originated I Sweden around the mid 1800's A teacher by the name Olof Edfastsson took the surname Sunqvist then changed it to Sunnqvist in later years. The Reason he chose the name is speculative but it is assumed that the deciding factor was the parish of Sunne where his mother was from. The name comes in many variations. 3 in my own family. This is by far my favorite meaning Sundquist/Sundqvist/Sunnqvist is a common Swedish surname. Sund means sane or healthy and qvist/quist is an old way to spell branch. So it could mean "healthy branch". Sund can also mean a strait (a narrow channel of water), but a branch from a strait sounds kind of farfetched. :)

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