Statistics and meaning of name Suwwan
We have no records about Suwwan being used as firstname.
Surname Suwwan is used at least 21 times in at least 4 countries.
Given names
Moussa Suwwan (1) |
Suwwan reversed is Nawwus
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Nuwaws Wsuawn Swuanw Uwsanw
Misspells: Suwwon Ssuwwan Suvvwan Suwwana Swuwan Suwwna Suwawn
Rhymes: Antwan Aswan Iowan McGowan Saskatchewan Taiwan swan futon neutron
Meaning of this name is unknown.
SUWWAN says: SUWWAN is an Arabic word which means Silex. Silex is the stone which ignited fire, and that was how man discovered fire.
SUWWAN says: My name, Suwwan means Silex in Arabic, and thus it is written like this: صُــوّان Silex, is the stone which permitted the primitives to ignite fire, and to roast the animals they were hunting. Wao, it smells good☺☺☺… Moussa stands for Moses, or Moïse Then my first name “Moussa” attached to my name “Suwwan”, are written like this, in Arabic : مـــوســـى صـــوان I was born in East Jerusalem, years and years ago ☺☺☺. Yours,
SUWWAN says: My name, Suwwan means Silex in Arabic, and thus it is written like this: صُــوّان Silex, is the stone which permitted the primitives to ignite fire, and to roast the animals they were hunting. Wao, it smells good☺☺☺… Moussa stands for Moses, or Moïse Then my first name “Moussa” attached to my name “Suwwan”, are written like this, in Arabic : مـــوســـى صـــوان I was born in East Jerusalem, years and years ago ☺☺☺. Yours,
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