Statistics and meaning of name Szemainda
We have no records about Szemainda being used as firstname.
Surname Szemainda is used at least 14 times in at least 1 countries. (Poland)
Given names
Maria Szemainda (2) Zuzanna Szemainda (2) Krystyna Szemainda (1) Rudolf Szemainda (1) Klara Szemainda (1) Martyna Szemainda (1) Jozef Szemainda (1) Gerard Szemainda (1) Helena Szemainda (1) Hildegarda Szemainda (1) Joachim Szemainda (1) Bernard Szemainda (1) |
Szemainda reversed is Adniamezs
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Niademsaz Neizdasam Andasimze Amsedzain
Misspells: Szemoinda Sszemainda Szemaynda Szemajnda Szemaenda Szemaindaa Sezmainda Szemainad Szemaidna
Rhymes: Belinda Linda Lucinda Malinda Melinda Rosalinda kinda cicada maitre mesa regalia fantasia
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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