Statistics and meaning of name Tebo

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Tebo first name was found 110 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Tebo is used at least 2112 times in at least 11 countries.
Gender of firstname Tebo is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.

      Surname Tebo
Given names
Acha Tebo (3)
Jeff Tebo (2)
Ken Tebo (2)
Katja Tebo (1)
Geraldine Tebo (1)
Danelle Tebo (1)
Comfort Tebo (1)
Nixon Tebo (1)
Nzinga Tebo (1)
Joanna Tebo (1)
Jacqueline Tebo (1)
Raymond Tebo (1)
Claris Tebo (1)
Tebo Tebo (1)
Allan Tebo (1)
Mary Tebo (1)
James Tebo (1)
Norman Tebo (1)
Kevin Tebo (1)
Austin Tebo (1)
Barry Tebo (1)
Hugh Tebo (1)
Wilburn Tebo (1)
Vincent Tebo (1)
Doug Tebo (1)
Charlotte Tebo (1)

Given name Tebo
Family names
Tebo Tebo (1)

Surname Tebo in USA   

Tebo reversed is Obet
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Teob Tbeo Ebot Otbe Tobe Obet Oebt Ebto
Misspells: Teboa Tbeo Teob

Rhymes: gazebo placebo ghetto meadow libretto palmetto stiletto

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Tebo says: Tebo is a Tswana name (from Botswana) and it means 'To look'e.g in Tswana when you say 'Ka Tebo ya matlho' you actually mean 'If you look at'. It may also mean'sight' as in to 'see'.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Canada Austria France Netherlands Botswana Switzerland Singapore Russian Federation Luxembourg Poland United Kingdom Brazil Japan Australia Jamaica


Writers: Carol Tebo, Bradley M. Tebo, Susan TeBos, Mary Elizabeth Tebo

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