Statistics and meaning of name Teperska
We have no records about Teperska being used as firstname.
Surname Teperska is used at least 15 times in at least 1 countries. (Poland)
Given names
Bozena Teperska (2) Irena Teperska (2) Stefania Teperska (1) Natalia Teperska (1) Urszula Teperska (1) Wislawa Teperska (1) Janina Teperska (1) Teresa Teperska (1) Lucyna Teperska (1) Marianna Teperska (1) Stanislawa Teperska (1) Agnieszka Teperska (1) Zofia Teperska (1) |
Teperska reversed is Aksrepet
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Kpesreat Kepasetr Ketpesar
Misspells: Tepersko Tepelska Teperrska Tepersska Teperskaa Tpeerska Tepersak Teperksa
Rhymes: Szymborska Alaska Nebraska Tunguska
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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