Statistics and meaning of name Terciu

We have no records about Terciu being used as firstname.
Surname Terciu is used at least 94 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Austria)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 泰尔丘 (pinyin: tài ěr qiū)

Given names
Ioan Terciu (7)
Vasile Terciu (7)
Gheorghe Terciu (5)
Nicolae Terciu (5)
Constantin Terciu (4)
Danut Terciu (3)
Ion Terciu (3)
Natalia Terciu (2)
Lucia Terciu (2)
Maria Terciu (2)
Miron Terciu (2)
Lorica Terciu (2)
Mihai Terciu (2)
Elena Terciu (2)
Dorel Terciu (2)
Viorel Terciu (2)
Fanica Terciu (2)
Victor Terciu (2)
Maricel Terciu (2)
Veronel Terciu (2)
Neculae Terciu (1)
Petru Terciu (1)
Cristina Terciu (1)
Rozica Terciu (1)
Pemenoda Terciu (1)
Manuela Terciu (1)
Gheorghina Terciu (1)
Georgeta Terciu (1)
Domnica Terciu (1)
Costache Terciu (1)
Gheorghita Terciu (1)
Gicu Terciu (1)
Mariuta Terciu (1)
Marcel Terciu (1)
Iosif Terciu (1)
Ilie Terciu (1)
Mircea Terciu (1)

Terciu reversed is Uicret
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ercuti Uecirt Rteicu Curtie Icutre Ertiuc
Misspells: Telciu Terrciu Tercyu Tercju Terceu Terciua Treciu Tercui Tericu

Rhymes: virtue purview curlew curfew worldview

Meaning of name Terciu is: from the word 'terci' = 'mash'
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Old Wiki
Name: Terciu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word terci = mash

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