Statistics and meaning of name Terneny

We have no records about Terneny being used as firstname.
Surname Terneny is used at least 19 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Terneny
Given names
Jozef Terneny (2)
Karol Terneny (2)
Tibor Terneny (1)
Vladimir Terneny (1)
Stefan Terneny (1)
Rastislav Terneny (1)
Ladislav Terneny (1)
Dusan Terneny (1)
Rudolf Terneny (1)

Surname Terneny in USA   

Terneny reversed is Ynenret
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Treynne Nerenyt Neetynr Tenryen Erynnet
Misspells: Telneny Terrneny Terneni Ternenya Treneny Terneyn Ternney

Rhymes: Allegheny deny larceny progeny teeny many penny antennae halfpenny jenny

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ivan Terneny says: Origin of this name is from delaware name Tamanend, later referred to as Tammany, which sounds-like Temeny and was mistyped with "rn" which together looks like "m". One of sources : William Rush's Indian Trader - 1790's merchant ship figurehead, Magazine Antiques, Dec, 1999 by Sylvia Leistyna Lahvis Citation : The real Chief Tamanend, originally called Tamane and later Tammany, is known from a series of land transactions of June 23, 1683, when he and other sachems traded land to English colonists for goods. His name appears in a published letter from Penn to the "Free society of traders...residing in london," dated August 16, 1683. He is mentioned in another land deed, dated July 6, 1697, and finally as Terneny in an article by Gabriel Thomas published in London in 1698.

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