Statistics and meaning of name Thilaga
Usage: 80% firstname, 20% surname.
Thilaga first name was found 148 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Thilaga is used at least 35 times in at least 5 countries.
Family names Thilaga Sivam (1) Thilaga Ramadass (1) |
Thilaga reversed is Agaliht
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Tihalga Laihgat Lahtagi Hialgat Ahtilga Aghailt Gaatlih
Misspells: Thiloga Thylaga Thjlaga Thelaga Thilagaa Tihlaga Thilaag Thilgaa
Rhymes: Ashikaga Kirinyaga Onondaga raga rutabaga saga drama lava plaza
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Thilaga K Ganapathy says: Thilaga means pottu, a point which Hindus use on crossing midsection of forehead and nose. This forehead location is called Thiruchitrambalam. Nothern Indians pronounces Thilaga or Thilagam as Thilak, Bindi, Thil, Bindu, Kumkum, Thilakam. Spiritual meditation requires humans to concentrate on their Thiruchitrambalam visualising and focusing a single point of light emitting virtues & blessings while blocking from vices and negativity. This Thiruchitrambalam is also where the soul or Atma resides. Hindus respect their soul by placing auspicious matters such as sandal paste, tumeric powder/kumkumam and burnt cow dung's ash as Hindhus believe that Komatha (cow) is a sacred animal representing human beings (mamalia)just as we believe in snake, elephants, peacock, cockerel, etc. which represents certain characteristics of the human race and other living things together with plants which completes the entire ecosystem.
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