Statistics and meaning of name Thoa

Usage: 87% firstname, 13% surname.
Thoa first name was found 934 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Thoa is used at least 135 times in at least 9 countries.
Gender of firstname Thoa is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 妥 (pinyin: tuǒ)

      Surname Thoa
Given names
Thierry Thoa (2)
Colette Thoa (1)
Henri Thoa (1)
Pierre Thoa (1)
Kim Thoa (1)
Magdalena Thoa (1)
Luol Thoa (1)
Emeric Thoa (1)
Thi Thoa (1)
Jitendrai Thoa (1)
Nathalie Thoa (1)
Philippe Thoa (1)
Aurelie Thoa (1)
Paul Thoa (1)
Bui Thoa (1)

Given name Thoa
Family names
Thoa Nguyen (20)
Thoa Khau (2)
Thoa Luong (2)
Thoa Huynh (2)
Thoa Tran (2)
Thoa Hoang (1)
Thoa Dang (1)
Thoa Pham (1)
Thoa Vuthi (1)
Thoa Lam (1)
Thoa Tallaksen (1)
Thoa Nielsen (1)
Thoa Bui (1)
Thoa Duong (1)
Thoa Dinh (1)
Thoa Uong (1)
Thoa Bham (1)
Thoa Trieu (1)
Thoa Thi (1)

Surname Thoa in France   Surname Thoa in USA   

Thoa reversed is Aoht
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Thao Toha Hoat Atoh Taoh Aoht Ahot Hota
Misspells: Thoo Thoaa Toha Thao

Rhymes: Ochoa whoa boa balboa protozoa spermatozoa bona

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Germany Switzerland Taiwan Singapore Sweden Netherlands Poland Spain Australia


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