Statistics and meaning of name Ticlete

We have no records about Ticlete being used as firstname.
Surname Ticlete is used at least 44 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,France)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Ion Ticlete (7)
Gheorghe Ticlete (4)
Iulius Ticlete (2)
Petru Ticlete (2)
Roxana Ticlete (2)
Viorel Ticlete (2)
Vasile Ticlete (2)
Ioana Ticlete (2)
Elena Ticlete (2)
Petrica Ticlete (1)
Petrana Ticlete (1)
Cornelia Ticlete (1)
Marius Ticlete (1)
Constantin Ticlete (1)
Augustina Ticlete (1)
Constanta Ticlete (1)
Maria Ticlete (1)
Magdalena Ticlete (1)
Ilie Ticlete (1)
Eugen Ticlete (1)
Antonica Ticlete (1)
Dorin Ticlete (1)
Lucia Ticlete (1)
Cristea Ticlete (1)
Emil Ticlete (1)

Ticlete reversed is Etelcit
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Tcielte Lecitet Leitetc Tilceet Iceltet
Misspells: Tyclete Tjclete Teclete Ticletea Tcilete Ticleet Ticltee

Rhymes: Paraclete athlete complete delete deplete incomplete sullied unsullied drumbeat buckwheat subleased

Meaning of name Ticlete is: from the name [Ticlea] plus the suffix '-ete'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Sweden Thailand United Kingdom China Canada

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Old Wiki
Name: Ticlete
Language: Romanian
Meaning: 1. from the name Ticlea plus the suffix -ete 2. from the Greek name Tsiklis plus the suffix -ete ; see also the name Tiglete
Comments: 1. Ticlete 2. Ţiclete

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