Statistics and meaning of name Tikasingh

We have no records about Tikasingh being used as firstname.
Surname Tikasingh is used at least 34 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Tikasingh
Given names
Mark Tikasingh (3)
Saskia Tikasingh (2)
Nicola Tikasingh (1)
Shirley Tikasingh (1)
Margartta Tikasingh (1)
Dale Tikasingh (1)
Glenn Tikasingh (1)
Karina Tikasingh (1)
Asha Tikasingh (1)

Surname Tikasingh in USA   

Tikasingh reversed is Hgnisakit
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Shiangikt
Misspells: Tikosingh Tikassingh Tykasingh Tjkasingh Tekasingh Tikasingha Tkiasingh Tikasinhg Tikasignh

Rhymes: scything texting anything bring thing

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Mark Tikasingh says: The name in my family originates from my great grandfather who was an indentured worker taken from India to Trinidad in the Caribbean to work the sugar cane plantation. (Reference - BBC documentary - How Britain Re-invented Slavery) His name was changed on his arrival from Tekasingh to Tikasingh by default.
Mark Tikasingh says: The name in my family was inherited from my great grandfather who was an indentured worker taken from India to Trinidad in the Caribbean to work the sugar plantation (Reference - BBC documentry-How Britain Re-invented Slavery). His nane was changed by default on his arrival, from Tekasingh to Tikasingh.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United Kingdom United States Trinidad and Tobago Australia France

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