Statistics and meaning of name Timpel

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Timpel first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Timpel is used at least 58 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Timpel
Given names
Heinz Timpel (4)
Dieter Timpel (2)
Gerhard Timpel (2)
Uwe Timpel (2)
Gunter Timpel (2)
Alfred Timpel (2)
Monika Timpel (2)
Rosemarie Timpel (1)
Paul Timpel (1)
Marlies Timpel (1)
Holger T ...

Surname Timpel in Austria   Surname Timpel in Germany   Surname Timpel in USA   

Timpel reversed is Lepmit
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Lipemt Mtiepl Tmielp Imtelp
Misspells: Tympel Tjmpel Tempel Timpela Tmipel Timple Timepl

Rhymes: impel compel Gospel Koppel Opel carpel dimple pimple simple wimple oversimple

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Switzerland Austria Thailand India China Denmark Netherlands


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or about the origins of this name?
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