Statistics and meaning of name Toenz

We have no records about Toenz being used as firstname.
Surname Toenz is used at least 7 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Toenz
Given names
Werner Toenz (1)
Therese Toenz (1)
Marcel Toenz (1)

Toenz reversed is Zneot
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Toezn Nzeot Ztone Tonze Tonez Zoent Teozn
Misspells: Toenza Teonz Toezn Tonez

Rhymes: Benz Lorenz lens tens cleanse hens pens

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Tonz Gheorghe says: Suisse en Roumanie.In secolul XVII emigranti elvetieni, intre care si persoane cu numele de Tonz din Vals/GR au venit ca specialisti in prelucrarea aurului in Muntii Apuseni din Transilvania. Astazi numai in Localitatea Varciorog langa Oradea sunt aproape 700 de persoane cu numele de Tonz. Dorim continuarea cercetarilor pe acest subiect din punct de vedere istoric,geografic,antropologic, colaborarea intre localitatile Vals si Varciorog, in domeniul cultural, turistic,stiintific,economic, pentru o mai buna cunoastere a trecutului emigrantilor elvetieni de catre tinerii de azi. Cu stima Dr.Gheorghe Tonz.

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