Statistics and meaning of name Tomie

Usage: 85% firstname, 15% surname.
Tomie first name was found 767 times in 13 different countries.
Surname Tomie is used at least 132 times in at least 12 countries.
Gender of firstname Tomie is 83% feminine and 17% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 托米 (pinyin: tuō mǐ)

      Surname Tomie
Given names
Ian Tomie (2)
Larry Tomie (2)
Brian Tomie (2)
Johansson Tomie (1)
Henry Tomie (1)
James Tomie (1)
Penelope Tomie (1)
Victoria Tomie (1)
Stephen Tomie (1)
Annalee Tomie (1)
Dino Tomie (1)
Ken Tomie (1)
Susan Tomie (1)
George Tomie (1)
Dale Tomie (1)
Victor Tomie (1)
Jerry Tomie (1)

Given name Tomie
Family names
Tomie Sjostrom (2)
Tomie Gullin (1)
Tomie Everbring (1)
Tomie Karlsson (1)
Tomie Sandberg (1)
Tomie Soderhall (1)
Tomie Eriksson (1)
Tomie Larsson (1)
Tomie Arvert (1)
Tomie Norman (1)
Tomie Paradis (1)
Tomie Margett (1)
Tomie Nomiya (1)
Tomie Segawa (1)
Tomie Basse (1)
Tomie Savoie (1)

Surname Tomie in USA   

Tomie reversed is Eimot
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Tomei Oitem Iemot Etoim Toime Eomit
Misspells: Tomye Tomje Tomee Tomiea Tmoie Tomei Toime

Rhymes: Pottawatomie Amie Jamie Jimmie Laramie Mamie balmy palmy mammy mommy tatami

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Canada Malaysia Germany Australia Ireland India Brazil Sweden Thailand Cambodia Netherlands Europe Japan Singapore Poland


Writers: Tomie Hahn, Arthur Tomie, Tomie Arai

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