Statistics and meaning of name Torenvliet

We have no records about Torenvliet being used as firstname.
Surname Torenvliet is used at least 25 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Torenvliet
Given names
Nick Torenvliet (1)

Surname Torenvliet in Netherlands   

Torenvliet reversed is Teilvnerot
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Teetronvil
Misspells: Tolenvliet Torrenvliet Torenvlyet Torenbliet Torenvljet Torenvleet Torenvlieta Troenvliet Torenvlite Torenvleit

Rhymes: Joliet Juliet Harriet Soviet diet complete concrete incomplete bittersweet parakeet

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Cornelis Torenvliet says: Torenvliet: toren = tower vliet = a waterway Earliest known use of "Torenvliet" is as name of a country estate formerly located on the site of the WW 2 Valkenburg airfield, outside of Katwyk, near Leiden. When I visited the area in the 1970's there was a street there named "Torenvliet". Contact me at if you wish to discuss further. Cornelis Torenvliet

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Writers: Leen Torenvliet

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