Statistics and meaning of name Totera

We have no records about Totera being used as firstname.
Surname Totera is used at least 123 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 托泰拉 (pinyin: tuō tài lā)

      Surname Totera
Given names
Marcello Totera (8)
Giuseppe Totera (4)
Franco Totera (3)
Alberto Totera (2)
Roberto Totera (2)
Mirko Totera (1)
Mario Totera (1)
Sam Totera (1)
Rinaldo Totera (1)
Vincenzo Totera (1)
Oscar Totera (1)
Ivano Totera (1)
Carlo Totera (1)
Assunta Totera (1)
Eugenio Totera (1)
Gabriele Totera (1)
Mike Totera (1)
Luigi Totera (1)

Surname Totera in Italy   Surname Totera in USA   

Totera reversed is Aretot
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Otetar Oteatr Tetroa Ttorea Ottear Ttorae Reatto
Misspells: Totero Totela Toterra Toteraa Ttoera Totear Totrea

Rhymes: Barrera Cabrera Chimera Churriguera Hera Herrera Monera para chimera caldera sierra mascara

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Thailand Argentina Europe Italy


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