Statistics and meaning of name Trixl

We have no records about Trixl being used as firstname.
Surname Trixl is used at least 136 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Trixl
Given names
Johann Trixl (7)
Stefan Trixl (5)
Jakob Trixl (5)
Josef Trixl (5)
Christina Trixl (4)
Georg Trixl (4)
Sebastian Trixl (4)
Andreas Trixl (4)
Elisabeth Trixl (3)
Michael Trixl (3)
Sabine Trixl (3)
Katharina Trixl (3)
Anna Trixl (3)
Rosemarie Trixl (2)
Ingeborg Trixl (2)
Sonja Trixl (2)
Helmut Trixl (2)
Aloisia Trixl (2)
Dorothea Trixl (2)
Alfred Trixl (2)
Peter Trixl (2)
Wolfgang Trixl (2)
Leonhard Trixl (2)
Nikolaus Trixl (1)
Monika Trixl (1)
Anne Trixl (1)
Ruth Trixl (1)
Reinhard Trixl (1)
Rosa Trixl (1)
Pauline Trixl (1)
Paula Trixl (1)
Siegfried Trixl (1)
Walter Trixl (1)
Viktoria Trixl (1)
Wilhelm Trixl (1)
Hubert Trixl (1)
Hanspeter Trixl (1)
Ingrid Trixl (1)
Valerie Trixl (1)
Urban Trixl (1)
Martina Trixl (1)
Angelika Trixl (1)
Silvie Trixl (1)
Alexander Trixl (1)
Ulrike Trixl (1)
Thomas Trixl (1)
Sandra Trixl (1)
Manfred Trixl (1)
Elfriede Trixl (1)
Edeltraud Trixl (1)
Annemarie Trixl (1)
Anneliese Trixl (1)
Heinrich Trixl (1)
Gerlinde Trixl (1)
David Trixl (1)
Christine Trixl (1)
Berta Trixl (1)
Bernhard Trixl (1)
Brigitte Trixl (1)
Christa Trixl (1)
Barbara Trixl (1)
Heinz Trixl (1)
Herbert Trixl (1)
Lukas Trixl (1)
Kerstin Trixl (1)
Benjamin Trixl (1)
Maria Trixl (1)
Marina Trixl (1)
Annelies Trixl (1)
Josefa Trixl (1)
Horst Trixl (1)
Hermann Trixl (1)
Jodok Trixl (1)
Johanna Trixl (1)
Ute Trixl (1)
Mario Trixl (1)

Surname Trixl in Austria   

Trixl reversed is Lxirt
Name contains 5 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Trilx Xlirt Lrixt
Misspells: Tlixl Trrixl Tryxl Trjxl Trexl Trixla Tirxl Trilx Trxil

Rhymes: bricks tricks pricks clicks cliques

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ingrid Trixl says: Trixl ist ähnlich wie Drexl und Drechsler jemand, der drechselt, also Sachen aus Holz herstellt.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Germany New Zealand France Greece Thailand United Kingdom Netherlands Europe


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