Statistics and meaning of name Tscherning

We have no records about Tscherning being used as firstname.
Surname Tscherning is used at least 23 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 切尔宁 (pinyin: qiē ěr nìng)

      Surname Tscherning
Given names
Thomas Tscherning (3)
Faouzi Tscherning (2)
Erik Tscherning (1)
Sami Tscherning (1)
Nadia Tscherning (1)
Marit Tscherning (1)
Birgitta Tscherning (1)
Rickard Tscherning (1)
Cristina Tscherning (1)
Clara Tscherning (1)
Marita Tscherning (1)
Inger Tscherning (1)
Maria Tscherning (1)
Karl Tscherning (1)
Eva Tscherning (1)
Allan Tscherning (1)
Birgitte Tscherning (1)
Mireille Tscherning (1)
Didier Tscherning (1)
Erich Tscherning (1)

Surname Tscherning in Austria   

Tscherning reversed is Gninrehcst
Name contains 10 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Misspells: Tschelning Tscherrning Tsscherning Tschernyng Tschernjng Tscherneng Tscherninga Tcsherning Tschernign Tschernnig

Rhymes: Corning adjourning adorning burning churning concerning corning turning learning yearning

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Sweden Denmark Austria United Kingdom Canada Norway Japan Thailand Argentina France Europe Netherlands


Famous people: Marius Hans Erik Tscherning, Willy Tscherning

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