Statistics and meaning of name Tshegofatso

Tshegofatso first name was found 9 times in 4 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Tshegofatso.
Gender of firstname Tshegofatso is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Tshegofatso
Family names
Tshegofatso Motaung (1)
Tshegofatso Meso (1)
Tshegofatso Madzingo (1)
Tshegofatso Swakamisa (1)

Tshegofatso reversed is Ostafogehst
Name contains 11 letters - 36.36% vowels and 63.64% consonants.

Anagrams: Sotasfegtoh Getsastoohf Ghaossettof
Misspells: Tshegofotso Tsshegofatso Tshegofatsoa Thsegofatso Tshegofatos Tshegofasto

Rhymes: fatso matzoh although studio audio

Meaning of this name is unknown.

tshegofatso says: i so lyk my name but sometimes i feel like it means bad luck unlike blessings
Kgomotso says: Tshegofatso means Blessing
hlengiwe says: Tshegofatso mean blessing. FATSO
Tshegofatso says: I lyk my name no matter wat ppl say about my name and my other name is ivan nd i always wear labels
tshegofatso says: this name its one of a kind . Even though people misspells it . Im proud to be Tshegofatso , because im a blessing to my family and friends . Thats me Tshegofatso Blessing
Tshegofatso olifant says: Tshego if my first name an um proud 2 b called by it.... according 2 my understanding my name means *blessings* cos my mother had a first born an is a boy.... at my family we are facing lot of challenges an most of De tym I am De one standing for a light in my family Meaning they are BLESSED 2 have me
Tshegofatso says: I love my name so much, it has a great impact on my life knowing that I am considered a blessing by my family is so amazing

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Old Wiki
Name: Tshegofatso
Gender: Unisex
Origin: Africa
Language: African
Thematic: Biblical
Meaning: 'Blessing' in a South African language Setswana

Famous people: Tshegofatso Seakgoe

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