Statistics and meaning of name Ttofa

We have no records about Ttofa being used as firstname.
Surname Ttofa is used at least 35 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Australia)

Given names
Anastasia Ttofa (3)
Costas Ttofa (3)
Helen Ttofa (3)
Juliette Ttofa (2)
Nicholas Ttofa (2)
Maria Ttofa (2)
Christopher Ttofa (2)
Georgios Ttofa (2)
Melanie Ttofa (1)
Andrea Ttofa (1)
Andreas Ttofa (1)
Paraskevi Ttofa (1)
Xenia Ttofa (1)
Sotiris Ttofa (1)
Luca Ttofa (1)
Liam Ttofa (1)
Cara Ttofa (1)
Esther Ttofa (1)
Athena Ttofa (1)
Janet Ttofa (1)
Antonia Ttofa (1)
Catherine Ttofa (1)

Ttofa reversed is Afott
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ttoaf Faott Atoft Otfat Totaf
Misspells: Ttofo Ttofaa Totfa Ttoaf Ttfoa

Rhymes: Nukualofa sofa cosa nova nodosa nervosa

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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