Statistics and meaning of name Uban

Usage: 7% firstname, 93% surname.
Uban first name was found 11 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Uban is used at least 141 times in at least 11 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 乌班 (pinyin: wū bān)

      Surname Uban
Given names
Valentin Uban (3)
Elena Uban (2)
Pedro Uban (1)
Kathleen Uban (1)
Sherwin Uban (1)

Given name Uban
Family names
Uban Mohammed (1)

Surname Uban in USA   

Uban reversed is Nabu
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ubna Uabn Banu Nuab Unab Nabu Nbau Baun
Misspells: Ubon Ubana Uabn Ubna

Rhymes: Caliban Cuban Durban Esteban Laban Rastaban Taliban lupin gluten luteum newton cherubim

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Philippines Romania Pakistan Russian Federation


Famous people: Konrad Ubans

Writers: Sujan Singh Uban

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