Statistics and meaning of name Ucenic
We have no records about Ucenic being used as firstname.
Surname Ucenic is used at least 32 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ioan Ucenic (5) Nicolae Ucenic (3) Petrica Ucenic (2) Maria Ucenic (2) Ion Ucenic (2) Livia Ucenic (2) Zincuta Ucenic (1) Doina Ucenic (1) Valer Ucenic (1) Paraschiva Ucenic (1) Gheorghe Ucenic (1) Romulus Ucenic (1) Traian Ucenic (1) |
Ucenic reversed is Cinecu
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Cuneci Cencui Uneicc Eucinc Ceunci Uecicn Incuec
Misspells: Ucenyc Ucenjc Ucenec Ucenica Uecnic Ucenci Uceinc
Rhymes: scenic Hellenic allergenic arsenic calisthenic carcinogenic hallucinogenic judaic ludaic udaic judaistic antijudaic
Meaning of name Ucenic is: from the word 'ucenic' = 'learner'
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