Statistics and meaning of name Ugresic

We have no records about Ugresic being used as firstname.
Surname Ugresic is used at least 14 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Ugresic
Given names
Nada Ugresic (1)
Marko Ugresic (1)
Novica Ugresic (1)
Radoslav Ugresic (1)
Veljko Ugresic (1)
Jasenka Ugresic (1)
Gojko Ugresic (1)
Daniela Ugresic (1)
Nemanja Ugresic (1)
Vaso Ugresic (1)
Bojan Ugresic (1)
Branko Ugresic (1)

Surname Ugresic in Croatia   

Ugresic reversed is Cisergu
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Esgucir Cgureis Icsuerg
Misspells: Uglesic Ugrresic Ugressic Ugresyc Ugresjc Ugresec Ugresica Urgesic Ugresci Ugreisc

Rhymes: analgesic geodesic Jurassic Triassic Vlasic aphasic lovesick leukaemic cleric eugenic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Serbia Slovenia Canada Croatia Netherlands Bosnia and Herzegovina Sweden Montenegro


Writers: Dubravka Ugresic

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