Statistics and meaning of name Uhlinger

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Uhlinger first name was found 7 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Uhlinger is used at least 121 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,France)

Given names
Rudy Uhlinger (1)
Nicole Uhlinger (1)
Stephane Uhlinger (1)
Julien Uhlinger (1)
Jocelyne Uhlinger (1)
Franck Uhlinger (1)
Huguette Uhlinger (1)
Danielle Uhlinger (1)

Surname Uhlinger in France   Surname Uhlinger in USA   

Uhlinger reversed is Regnilhu
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Iglunerh Gnuilehr
Misspells: Uhlingel Uhlingerr Uhlynger Uhljnger Uhlenger Uhlingera Ulhinger Uhlingre Uhlinegr

Rhymes: Dillinger Ginger Kissinger Preminger Salinger Schlesinger Schrödinger soumettre tutelar stupider

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Germany Thailand Australia


Writers: Dean Lee Uhlinger

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