Statistics and meaning of name Uica

We have no records about Uica being used as firstname.
Surname Uica is used at least 13 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.

Given names
Ioan Uica (2)
Mihai Uica (2)
Constantin Uica (2)
Dumitru Uica (2)
Valeria Uica (2)
Maria Uica (1)
Livia Uica (1)
Nicolae Uica (1)

Uica reversed is Aciu
Name contains 4 letters - 75.00% vowels and 25.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ucia Icau Auci Uaci Aciu Aicu Icua
Misspells: Uico Uyca Ujca Ueca Uicaa Ucia Uiac

Rhymes: Africa America Angelica Antarctica Attica Britannica Corsica pukka chukka bazooka beluga ua

Meaning of name Uica is: from the Bulgarian name [Vujo] plus the Bulgarian suffix '-ka'; Uică
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Thailand Brazil


Old Wiki
Name: Uica
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Vujo plus the Bulgarian suffix -ka
Comments: Uică

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