Statistics and meaning of name Ujwala

Usage: 95% firstname, 5% surname.
Ujwala first name was found 739 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Ujwala is used at least 34 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Hindi.
Gender of firstname Ujwala is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.

      Surname Ujwala

Given name Ujwala
Family names
Ujwala Komma (2)
Ujwala Chidrawar (2)
Ujwala Rakesh (2)
Ujwala Ramteke (1)
Ujwala Samant (1)
Ujwala Talcherkar (1)
Ujwala Sangam (1)
Ujwala Agarwale (1)
Ujwala Mudari (1)
Ujwala Gangadhar (1)
Ujwala Fernandes (1)
Ujwala Chitre (1)
Ujwala Kamble (1)
Ujwala Aluri (1)
Ujwala Nimkar (1)

Surname Ujwala in USA   

Ujwala reversed is Alawju
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Juawal Ajalwu Wujlaa Aawulj Jwulaa
Misspells: Ujwola Ujvvala Uiwala Ujwalaa Uwjala Ujwaal Ujwlaa

Rhymes: Gujranwala Ayala Douala Guatemala Haleakala Kalevala walla menorah flora fora aurora

Meaning of name Ujwala is: Bright
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States India Ireland United Kingdom Germany Thailand Japan Australia Djibouti Qatar Italy Egypt Singapore United Arab Emirates Greece China Satellite Provider Anonymous Proxy Costa Rica Brazil Argentina Oman


Old Wiki
Name: Ujwala
Gender: Feminine
Location: Asia
Language: Indian
Thematic: Ancient
Meaning: Bright
Comments: In sanskrit Ujwala means bright or brightness.

Famous people: Ujwala Vasudev Nikam

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or about the origins of this name?
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