Statistics and meaning of name Uluitu
We have no records about Uluitu being used as firstname.
Surname Uluitu is used at least 20 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 乌卢伊图 (pinyin: wū lú yī tú)
Given names
Constantin Uluitu (3) Emil Uluitu (2) Lucretia Uluitu (2) Aneta Uluitu (2) Maricel Uluitu (2) Dimache Uluitu (2) Constanta Uluitu (2) Stefana Uluitu (1) Cornel Uluitu (1) Gabriela Uluitu (1) Daniela Uluitu (1) |
Uluitu reversed is Utiulu
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Ulituu Uultiu Uultui Luutui
Misspells: Uluytu Ulujtu Uluetu Uluitua Uulitu Uluiut Ulutiu
Rhymes: intuitu contuitu kyooiku lubitu accubitu
Meaning of name Uluitu is: from the word 'uluit' = 'stunned'
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