Statistics and meaning of name Uncheasu

We have no records about Uncheasu being used as firstname.
Surname Uncheasu is used at least 24 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Florin Uncheasu (2)
Marin Uncheasu (2)
Florica Uncheasu (2)
Florea Uncheasu (2)
Traian Uncheasu (2)
Chirila Uncheasu (2)
Stefan Uncheasu (2)
Leocadia Uncheasu (1)
Lavinia Uncheasu (1)
Georgeta Uncheasu (1)
Aurica Uncheasu (1)
Costel Uncheasu (1)
Atena Uncheasu (1)
Gheorghe Uncheasu (1)
Ion Uncheasu (1)

Uncheasu reversed is Usaehcnu
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Hucnuesa Hacuesun Nuhsaceu Canesuuh
Misspells: Uncheosu Uncheassu Uncheasua Ucnheasu Uncheaus Unchesau

Rhymes: Amaterasu Ieyasu metu bijou bijoux hsiu sieu

Meaning of name Uncheasu is: the same as [Unchiasu]; Uncheaşu
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Old Wiki
Name: Uncheasu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Unchiasu
Comments: Uncheaşu

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