Statistics and meaning of name Unity

Usage: 68% firstname, 32% surname.
Unity first name was found 167 times in 17 different countries.
Surname Unity is used at least 77 times in at least 14 countries.
Origin of this name is English.
Gender of firstname Unity is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 尤妮蒂 (pinyin: yóu nī dì)

      Surname Unity
Given names
Thomas Unity (2)
Ken Unity (1)
Gregory Unity (1)
Germaine Unity (1)
Abbam Unity (1)

Given name Unity
Family names
Unity Drain (2)
Unity Enadeghe (2)
Unity Payton (2)
Unity Chikoto (2)
Unity Igbineweka (2)
Unity Wroe (1)
Unity Mehrabi (1)
Unity Nolovu (1)
Unity Nhamburo (1)
Unity Barnes (1)
Unity Mega (1)
Unity Mccarron (1)
Unity Igbinigie (1)
Unity Heidenreich (1)
Unity Stuart (1)
Unity Munyawiri (1)
Unity Blessing (1)
Unity Moor (1)
Unity Rayss (1)
Unity Ferreira (1)
Unity Mnkandla (1)
Unity Amoaku (1)
Unity Jourdier (1)

Surname Unity in USA   

Unity reversed is Ytinu
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Uniyt Tyinu Yunti Untyi Untiy Ynitu Intyu Uinyt
Misspells: Unyty Uniti Unjty Unety Unitya Uinty Uniyt Untiy

Rhymes: Christianity Trinity affinity alkalinity amenity community consanguinity imm comm dis opport

Meaning of name Unity is: Oneness; harmony
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom India Malaysia Germany Sweden France China Poland Georgia Philippines


Famous people: Unity Valkyrie Mitford

Writers: Unity Thomson, Unity Church, Unity Books, Unity Hall, Unity Dow, Unity In Truth, Unity In Truth LLC, Unity McDonnell, Unity School of Christianity

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or about the origins of this name?
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