Statistics and meaning of name Unterluggauer

We have no records about Unterluggauer being used as firstname.
Surname Unterluggauer is used at least 119 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Unterluggauer
Given names
Josef Unterluggauer (4)
Andreas Unterluggauer (4)
Anton Unterluggauer (4)
Elisabeth Unterluggauer (3)
Manfred Unterluggauer (3)
Birgit Unterluggauer (3)
Alois Unterluggauer (3)
Maria Unte ...

Surname Unterluggauer in Austria   Surname Unterluggauer in Germany   Surname Unterluggauer in Switzerland   

Unterluggauer reversed is Reuaggulretnu
Name contains 13 letters - 46.15% vowels and 53.85% consonants.

Anagrams: Anetuggururel Ruteulgerguan Alreteurnugug Gugeurentalru
Misspells: Unterluggouer Untelluggauer Unterrluggauer Unterluggauera Utnerluggauer Unterluggaure Unterluggaeur

Rhymes: Adenauer Bauer Schopenhauer beleaguer superpower waterpower devour empower scour

Meaning of this name is unknown.

unterluggauer says: Name originally goes back to the little village Maria Luggau in the steep but breathtaking tyrolean and carinthian valley of lesachtal / gailtal in austria. there are farmers living below this place - named Unterluggauer , families living above called Oberluggauer and families called Luggauer and Lugger. maria Luggau is a pilgramige place with a big and important cathedral.

This page has been visited from the following countries: Austria United States Germany United Arab Emirates Italy Switzerland Slovakia


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