Statistics and meaning of name Uricu
We have no records about Uricu being used as firstname.
Surname Uricu is used at least 27 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Elena Uricu (3) Nicolae Uricu (3) Floarea Uricu (2) Vasile Uricu (2) Tudor Uricu (2) Chirica Uricu (1) Silvia Uricu (1) Virgil Uricu (1) Paraschiva Uricu (1) Ion Uricu (1) Ecaterina Uricu (1) Nina Uricu (1) Valeriu Uricu (1) Natalia Uricu (1) Victor Uricu (1) Ilia Uricu (1) |
Uricu reversed is Uciru
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Uriuc Cuiru Uurci Urcui Urciu Ircuu Uiruc
Misspells: Ulicu Urricu Urycu Urjcu Urecu Uricua Uircu Uriuc Urciu
Rhymes: renew jusqu review pursue coup
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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