Statistics and meaning of name Urioc
We have no records about Urioc being used as firstname.
Surname Urioc is used at least 35 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Given names
Alexandru Urioc (3) Neculai Urioc (2) Silvica Urioc (2) Niculae Urioc (2) Dan Urioc (2) Victor Urioc (2) Constantin Urioc (2) Camelia Urioc (2) Nicoleta Urioc (1) Vasile Urioc (1) Tinca Urioc (1) Tatiana Urioc (1) Maria Urioc (1) Elena Urioc (1) Dumitru Urioc (1) Catalina Urioc (1) Gheorghi Urioc (1) Ioan Urioc (1) Marinela Urioc (1) Lavinia Urioc (1) Marioara Urioc (1) |
Urioc reversed is Coiru
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Urico Rouci Ociru Curoi Uroci Uroic Irocu Uirco
Misspells: Ulioc Urrioc Uryoc Urjoc Ureoc Urioca Uiroc Urico Uroic
Rhymes: macaque stock block clock rock
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: urioc Gender: Masculine Location: Europe Language: Unknown Language Thematic: Unknown Thematic Meaning: Comments: |
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