Statistics and meaning of name Urseanu

We have no records about Urseanu being used as firstname.
Surname Urseanu is used at least 91 times in at least 6 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 乌尔塞亚努 (pinyin: wū ěr sāi yà nǔ)

      Surname Urseanu
Given names
Maria Urseanu (7)
Ion Urseanu (7)
Elena Urseanu (6)
Dan Urseanu (5)
Aurel Urseanu (4)
Paul Urseanu (3)
Gabriela Urseanu (2)
Olga Urseanu (2)
Robert Urseanu (2)
Viorica Urseanu (2)
Valentin Urseanu (2)
Florin Urseanu (2)
Niculina Urseanu (2)
Iosif Urseanu (2)
Carmen Urseanu (2)
Danil Urseanu (2)
Cristian Urseanu (2)
Savu Urseanu (1)
Pompiliu Urseanu (1)
Petre Urseanu (1)
Stefan Urseanu (1)
Stefania Urseanu (1)
Adrian Urseanu (1)
Ana Urseanu (1)
Anica Urseanu (1)
Gheorghe Urseanu (1)
Constantin Urseanu (1)
Marias Urseanu (1)
Florian Urseanu (1)
Lucia Urseanu (1)
Mirela Urseanu (1)
Nadejda Urseanu (1)
Octavian Urseanu (1)
Florica Urseanu (1)
Nicolae Urseanu (1)
Dorina Urseanu (1)

Urseanu reversed is Unaesru
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Usruena Earuuns Uresuan Rsuenau Auseunr Urusena Unraseu Enuusra
Misspells: Urseonu Ulseanu Urrseanu Ursseanu Urseanua Usreanu Urseaun Ursenau

Rhymes: virtue curlew curfew purview worldview

Meaning of name Urseanu is: from the toponymic name 'Ursa' , 'Urseni'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Romania France Canada Thailand United Kingdom Italy Czech Republic


Old Wiki
Name: Urseanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: 1. from the toponymic name Ursa , Urseni 2. from the toponymic name Urşi plus the toponymic suffix -eanu
Comments: 1. Urseanu 2. Urşeanu

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