Statistics and meaning of name Uwa

Usage: 46% firstname, 54% surname.
Uwa first name was found 112 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Uwa is used at least 128 times in at least 10 countries.
Gender of firstname Uwa is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 表 (pinyin: biǎo)

      Surname Uwa
Given names
Mercy Uwa (3)
Akpabio Uwa (3)
Abella Uwa (2)
Sophia Uwa (1)
Anthony Uwa (1)
Mikolaj Uwa (1)
Lilian Uwa (1)
Kelechukwu Uwa (1)
Caroline Uwa (1)
Chikwendu Uwa (1)
James Uwa (1)
Kelly Uwa (1)

Given name Uwa
Family names
Uwa Bazuaye (2)
Uwa Igiehon (2)
Uwa Uhumuavbi (2)
Uwa Akpata (2)
Uwa Enabulele (2)
Uwa Onu (1)
Uwa Obazee (1)
Uwa Osagbaekhoe (1)
Uwa Omodubi (1)
Uwa Uwada (1)
Uwa Nnachi (1)
Uwa Onyike (1)
Uwa Edokpayi (1)
Uwa Eigbe (1)
Uwa Arigbe (1)
Uwa Aigbe (1)
Uwa Ejedawe (1)
Uwa Edebiri (1)
Uwa Idahosa (1)
Uwa Aigbekaen (1)
Uwa Ibie (1)
Uwa Mgbeojikwe (1)

Surname Uwa in USA   

Uwa reversed is Awu
Name contains 3 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Uaw Wau Wua Auw
Misspells: Uwo Uvva Uwaa Uaw Wua

Rhymes: ua una tuna hua outta

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Netherlands Ireland Nigeria Belgium United Kingdom Thailand Luxembourg Switzerland France Europe Austria Canada Italy


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