Statistics and meaning of name Vandepoel

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Vandepoel first name was found 3 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Belgium)
Surname Vandepoel is used at least 97 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Vandepoel
Given names
Bruno Vandepoel (2)
Yannick Vandepoel (2)
Bernard Vandepoel (2)
Isabelle Vandepoel (1)
Patrick Vandepoel (1)
Simone Vandepoel (1)
Virgine Vandepoel (1)
Odette Vandepoel (1)
Claude Vandepoel (1)
Elie Vandepoel (1)
Didier Vandepoel (1)
Elfrida Vandepoel (1)
Estelle Vandepoel (1)
Jeanine Vandepoel (1)
Gilberte Vandepoel (1)
Melodie Vandepoel (1)
Alphonse Vandepoel (1)

Surname Vandepoel in France   Surname Vandepoel in USA   

Vandepoel reversed is Leopednav
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Vadnolepe Onpaelved
Misspells: Vondepoel Bandepoel Vandepoela Vnadepoel Vandepole Vandepeol

Rhymes: Joel Noel noel control stole stroll systole vacuole

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Brazil France United Kingdom Germany Canada Belgium


Famous people: Bart Vandepoel

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