Statistics and meaning of name Vanhouche

We have no records about Vanhouche being used as firstname.
Surname Vanhouche is used at least 22 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Vanhouche
Given names
Andre Vanhouche (2)
Damien Vanhouche (1)
Richard Vanhouche (1)
Sandra Vanhouche (1)
Nadine Vanhouche (1)
Guy Vanhouche (1)
Isaac Vanhouche (1)
Raymonde Vanhouche (1)

Surname Vanhouche in France   

Vanhouche reversed is Ehcuohnav
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Ahvenuohc Nehuvohca Vneochuha Cnuahevoh Echovuhan
Misspells: Vonhouche Banhouche Vanhouchea Vnahouche Vanhouceh Vanhouhce

Rhymes: gauche Andromache Apache Blanche Bunche Comanche Nietzsche louche avows firehouse summerhouse house

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Olivier says: I think the name is originally Flemish Vanhoucke from Oost Kerke in Belgium . There were some of them that moved to the Walloon region and so the name became Vanhouche which was easier to pronounce for french speakers.
Olivier says: I think the name is originally Flemish Vanhoucke from Oost Kerke in Belgium . There were some of them that moved to the Walloon region and so the name became Vanhouche which was easier to pronounce for french speakers.

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