Statistics and meaning of name Vanlaeys

We have no records about Vanlaeys being used as firstname.
Surname Vanlaeys is used at least 50 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Vanlaeys
Given names
Gerard Vanlaeys (1)
Christophe Vanlaeys (1)
Sylvie Vanlaeys (1)
Veronique Vanlaeys (1)
Patrice Vanlaeys (1)
Julien Vanlaeys (1)
Robert Vanlaeys (1)
Maurice Vanlaeys (1)
Francis Vanlaeys (1)
Alison Vanlaeys (1)
Laurent Vanlaeys (1)
Anne Vanlaeys (1)
Cecile Vanlaeys (1)
Caroline Vanlaeys (1)

Surname Vanlaeys in France   Surname Vanlaeys in USA   

Vanlaeys reversed is Syealnav
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Yanselva Lenvaysa Aslyenav Saanyvel
Misspells: Vonlaeys Vanlaeyss Vanlaeis Banlaeys Vanlaeysa Vnalaeys Vanlaesy Vanlayes

Rhymes: Guernseys Jerseys abbeys alleys attorneys blarneys bogeys valets phrase surveys conveys malaise

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand Germany Colombia


Writers: Emily L. Vanlaeys

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