Statistics and meaning of name Vanthier

We have no records about Vanthier being used as firstname.
Surname Vanthier is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Switzerland)

Given names
Roger Vanthier (2)
Andre Vanthier (2)
Thomas Vanthier (1)
Philippe Vanthier (1)
Pascal Vanthier (1)
Nathalie Vanthier (1)
Veronique Vanthier (1)
Evelyne Vanthier (1)
Dominique Vanthier (1)
Alain Vanthier (1)
Guy Vanthier (1)
Monique Vanthier (1)
Maurice Vanthier (1)
Ernest Vanthier (1)
Daniel Vanthier (1)
Camille Vanthier (1)
Andree Vanthier (1)
Georges Vanthier (1)
Gerard Vanthier (1)
Marina Vanthier (1)
Joseph Vanthier (1)
Helene Vanthier (1)
Bruno Vanthier (1)

Surname Vanthier in France   

Vanthier reversed is Reihtnav
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Entiharv Rhanevit
Misspells: Vonthier Vanthiel Vanthierr Vanthyer Banthier Vanthjer Vantheer Vanthiera Vnathier Vanthire Vantheir

Rhymes: airworthier breathier clothier earthier filthier frothier healthier overseer osier sightseer mangier foreseer

Meaning of this name is unknown.

vanthier says: Vanthier origin is Wald ari, powerful army. The tribe originates in Bouriatskaya, capital Oulan Oude, Russia thousand years ago. It followed the rivers with cows to the sea of Kara, Finland, Oeland island, Hungary and back To the Main river. It was transferred to Sapaudia by roman general Aetius in 456. Vanthier are established between Belfort and Grenoble. Vauthier is the same name. Dominique Vanthier
vanthier dominique says: bonjour les vanthier. les analyse génétiques faites par l'université d'Ulan Oude avec mes prélèvements, confirment l'origine de notre tribu en Bouriatie.

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Writers: Hélène Vanthier

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