Statistics and meaning of name Vanwinsberghe

We have no records about Vanwinsberghe being used as firstname.
Surname Vanwinsberghe is used at least 13 times in at least 1 countries. (France)

Given names
Lucienne Vanwinsberghe (1)
Martine Vanwinsberghe (1)
Nicolas Vanwinsberghe (1)
Josiane Vanwinsberghe (1)
Ghislaine Vanwinsberghe (1)
Claude Vanwinsberghe (1)
Floriane Vanwinsberghe (1)
Catherine Vanwinsberghe (1)

Surname Vanwinsberghe in France   

Vanwinsberghe reversed is Ehgrebsniwnav
Name contains 13 letters - 30.77% vowels and 69.23% consonants.

Misspells: Vonwinsberghe Vanwinsbelghe Vanwinsberrghe Vanwinssberghe Vanwynsberghe Vanvvinsberghe Banwinsberghe Vanwjnsberghe Vanwensberghe Vanwinsberghea Vnawinsberghe Vanwinsbergeh Vanwinsberhge

Rhymes: reforge

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France

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