Statistics and meaning of name Vasskog

We have no records about Vasskog being used as firstname.
Surname Vasskog is used at least 37 times in at least 1 countries. (Norway)

Given names
Terje Vasskog (3)
Jan Vasskog (2)
Odvar Vasskog (1)
Per Vasskog (1)
Randi Vasskog (1)
Liva Vasskog (1)
Lisbet Vasskog (1)
Kristian Vasskog (1)
Lars Vasskog (1)
Ronny Vasskog (1)
Rune Vasskog (1)
Trine Vasskog (1)
Unni Vasskog (1)
Thomas Vasskog (1)
Astrid Vasskog (1)
Sissel Vasskog (1)
Stian Vasskog (1)
Kjell Vasskog (1)
Jorid Vasskog (1)
Ellen Vasskog (1)
Gisle Vasskog (1)
Ella Vasskog (1)
Britt Vasskog (1)
Bergljot Vasskog (1)
Bill Vasskog (1)
Gorm Vasskog (1)
Gudlaug Vasskog (1)
Inger Vasskog (1)
Arve Vasskog (1)
Idar Vasskog (1)
Henrik Vasskog (1)
Gudrun Vasskog (1)
Gunnar Vasskog (1)
Atle Vasskog (1)

Surname Vasskog in Norway   

Vasskog reversed is Gokssav
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Vsagsok Skavgos
Misspells: Vosskog Vassskog Basskog Vasskoga Vsaskog Vasskgo Vassokg

Rhymes: backlog

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Petter Vasskog says: At least for the name which has it`s origin from municipality of Bjugn in county of Sør-Trøndelag (= Middle of Norway); The name is a very local landscape-name: "The wood/forest which is situated close to the lake (which name is Brekkvatnet)". The small farms settled up where the wood (earlier)) was growing, were given the name of the landscape. The word "Vass" is an olderly name for water, - especially used when connected to another word; to only one single word). (Nowadays we instead of normally say and write "vann" in Norwegian Language, for English water. "Skog" is the Norwegian word for both wood and forest. ("Vatn" is Norwegian for lake, but it also can be used similar to "vann"/water.) In local language, the landscape-name is "Vasskogen" (= "The Water-wood/Water-forest". This name also excist up in big municipality of Alta, in county of Finnmark (far north of Norway), and is a name of a farm and atleast one family who originally lived there. These two families; from Bjugn and Alta are NOT biological related at all. Also I once found the word "vasskogen" used as a common word in Sweedish literature / a book: I guess that tell us, this word was not unusual in older times - describing wood/forest extra close to lakes, - maybe also woods containing quite much water in the ground.
Petter Vasskog says: Now I also have detected the name "Vasskogen" as a name of a tiny farm / property in Sweeden: It's located in Västra Götalands län, Svarteborg distrikt, Munkedals kommun ; close to the lake "Kolstorpvattnet" aside the village "Hällevadsholm" which is situated south of the city Strömstad, 1/3 of the distance to big city of Göteborg . Only Sweedish written information about the place is : "Vasskogen var en backstuga." A family of four persons had their home there, and the parents died about 1865. I guess the house(es) don't excist anymore. Also I found the name of a forest in "Salten" district in North of Norway; actually a part of Lähko National Park: The name is "Fellvasskogen". Maybe my founds indicate the word "vasskog/vass-skog" was more common describing landscapes in older Scandinavian language ?

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