Statistics and meaning of name Veauthier

We have no records about Veauthier being used as firstname.
Surname Veauthier is used at least 42 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Veauthier
Given names
Paul Veauthier (1)
Melanie Veauthier (1)
Marianne Veauthier (1)
Raimund Veauthier (1)
Rainer Veauthier (1)
Theresia Veauthier (1)
Ruth Veauthier (1)
Reimund Veauthier (1)
Lieselotte Veauthier (1)
Karola Veauthier (1)
Dieter Veauthier (1)
Berthold Veauthier (1)
Alois Veauthier (1)
Gerhard Veauthier (1)
Gertrud Veauthier (1)
Helmut Veauthier (1)
Gregor Veauthier (1)
Christian Veauthier (1)

Surname Veauthier in Germany   Surname Veauthier in USA   

Veauthier reversed is Reihtuaev
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Euvrahtei Vartiuhee Etraivhue
Misspells: Veouthier Veauthiel Veauthierr Veauthyer Beauthier Veauthjer Veautheer Veauthiera Vaeuthier Veauthire Veautheir

Rhymes: airworthier breathier clothier earthier filthier frothier healthier freer osier slyer serer ashier

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States


Writers: Frank W. Veauthier

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