Statistics and meaning of name Velici

We have no records about Velici being used as firstname.
Surname Velici is used at least 150 times in at least 8 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 韦利奇 (pinyin: wéi lì jī)

      Surname Velici
Given names
Petru Velici (9)
Ion Velici (9)
Ana Velici (7)
Ioan Velici (6)
Constantin Velici (5)
Nicolae Velici (4)
Aurel Velici (4)
Alexandru Velici (4)
Dumitru Velici (3)
Elena Velici (3)
Cristian Velici (3)
Maria Velici (3)
Ricard Velici (2)
Rodica Velici (2)
Adriana Velici (2)
Paraschiva Velici (2)
Mariana Velici (2)
Monica Velici (2)
Stefania Velici (2)
Steluta Velici (2)
Arben Velici (2)
Florin Velici (2)
Zaharia Velici (2)
Viorica Velici (2)
Teodor Velici (2)
Vasile Velici (2)
John Velici (2)
Petre Velici (2)
Ilie Velici (2)
Brandusa Velici (2)
Eugen Velici (2)
Cornel Velici (2)
Doru Velici (2)
Anisoara Velici (2)
Floare Velici (2)
Iosif Velici (2)
Susan Velici (1)
Iulian Velici (1)
Fejzullah Velici (1)
Albina Velici (1)
Dorel Velici (1)
Sefedin Velici (1)
Florian Velici (1)
Ildiko Velici (1)
Ecaterina Velici (1)
Eleonora Velici (1)
Pascu Velici (1)
Daniela Velici (1)
Radu Velici (1)
Simion Velici (1)
Sinita Velici (1)
Petruta Velici (1)
Steliana Velici (1)
Lidia Velici (1)
Constanta Velici (1)

Surname Velici in USA   

Velici reversed is Icilev
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Evilic Eliivc Vilcei Lvecii Elviic Vlecii Ciivle
Misspells: Velyci Belici Veljci Veleci Velicia Vleici Veliic Velcii

Rhymes: umbilici Medici litchi twitchy solidi pretty

Meaning of name Velici is: the same as [Veliciu]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation Romania United Kingdom Germany Thailand Italy Denmark France India Canada Spain Switzerland


Old Wiki
Name: Velici
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Veliciu

Famous people: Gelu Velici

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