Statistics and meaning of name Vendeirinho

We have no records about Vendeirinho being used as firstname.
Surname Vendeirinho is used at least 25 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 文代里尼奥 (pinyin: wén dài lǐ ní ào)

      Surname Vendeirinho
Given names
Ana Vendeirinho (3)
Jose Vendeirinho (2)
Pedro Vendeirinho (1)
Maria Vendeirinho (1)
Rute Vendeirinho (1)
Vitor Vendeirinho (1)
Vanessa Vendeirinho (1)
Vanda Vendeirinho (1)
Luis Vendeirinho (1)
Armando Vendeirinho (1)
Bruno Vendeirinho (1)
Antonio Vendeirinho (1)
Christophe Vendeirinho (1)
Gilles Vendeirinho (1)
Yvonne Vendeirinho (1)
Victor Vendeirinho (1)
Francisco Vendeirinho (1)

Surname Vendeirinho in France   

Vendeirinho reversed is Ohniriednev
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.

Anagrams: Enhivedorni
Misspells: Vendeilinho Vendeirrinho Vendeyrinho Bendeirinho Vendejrinho Vendeerinho Vendeirinhoa Vnedeirinho Vendeirinoh Vendeirihno

Rhymes: nympho cigarillo minnow pinto subzero

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Brazil Portugal Europe United Kingdom


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