Statistics and meaning of name Vessat

We have no records about Vessat being used as firstname.
Surname Vessat is used at least 23 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 韦萨 (pinyin: wéi Sà)

Given names
Michel Vessat (3)
Edwige Vessat (2)
Suzanne Vessat (2)
Roland Vessat (2)
Ginette Vessat (2)
Thierry Vessat (1)
Robert Vessat (1)
Romain Vessat (1)
Stephane Vessat (1)
Claude Vessat (1)
Henri Vessat (1)
Jean Vessat (1)
Justin Vessat (1)
Maryline Vessat (1)
Denis Vessat (1)

Surname Vessat in France   

Vessat reversed is Tassev
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Tesasv Sveast Vseats Esvats
Misspells: Vessot Vesssat Bessat Vessata Vsesat Vessta Vesast

Rhymes: Intelsat Landsat babysat sat hellcat steadfast trespassed aircraft eggplant

Meaning of this name is unknown.

vessat patrick says: vessat veut dire; petite vignes sauvage ,voir noisetier ,3 lieux-dit vessat en dordogne FRANCE ,atur ,boulazac ,chateau-l'évèque .ce nom est relevé en 1600 sur ATUR,ou plusieurs familles sont cité ,à vessat , grand-chabanier ,farode, la brade , bière,les cantinères .le nom est porté en FRANCE 80 personnes soit 23 familles.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France


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